We are forever recording new sea sounds and ocean ambiance to be considered for addition to The Sea Cast website. Whilst the option is there for users to mix whatever sounds they want, to capture the mood they need, we are also looking at creating a relaxing option which will encompass a number of sounds, pre mixed, so if wanted you could just click and relax.
Creating a relaxing sound mix
Using a combination of waves, wind, and weather elements we think an already complete mix option would also be a good addition. It’s important to get the ‘layers’ of sound balanced in any mix, and it’s no different when using sea sounds to create something that people find helps them relax, or blocks out distraction. The mix itself can’t be distracting! No high peaks or annoying moments, a white noise experience using the ocean as an instrument.
So we’ll take our time and care creating something that you will hopefully find useful, once we’re happy with it, we’ll get it added to the website.
To keep updated on our sound developments, either keep checking back to our blog or follow us over on Facebook.